Frequently Asked Questions
Can hearing aids prevent further hearing loss?
No. However, hearing aids may prevent atrophy in parts of the brain relating to auditory processing. Without hearing aids, a person experiencing hearing loss may become less efficient at processing auditory information.
Are hearing aids visible?
Modern hearing aids are incredibly discreet. The visibility of any hearing aid depends on it’s design. Most styles of hearing aid are barely visible from the front, and some are concealed within the ear canal.
How much do hearing aids cost?
Hearing aids can be a cost effective solution. The cost typically includes aftercare as well as reprogramming should your hearing levels change. The exact cost will depend on the type of hearing aid, the manufacturer, and device’s features. There are options available to suit every budget.
What can you expect during a hearing test?
During a hearing test you will be asked questions about your medical history and hearing challenges. Your audiologist will then conduct a visual exam of your ears, to check for any obvious issues, before your hearing test is conducted.
Once the hearing test is complete, your audiologist will discuss the results with you and make recommendations, if relevant, to help you deal with your hearing challenges.
How long do hearing tests take?
A typical hearing test appointment takes around one hour.
How much does a hearing test cost?
Hearing tests are completely free at Kelso Hearing Centre. No booking fee is required, and you will not be under any obligation to make a purchase following your test.
Why do we produce ear wax?
Ear wax is essential for ear health. It’s purpose is to prevent potentially harmful particles and microorganisms entering the ear. While ear wax is perfectly normal, too much ear wax can lead to muffled hearing, infections or blockages in the ear canal.
Can I clear excess ear wax using cotton buds?
Cleaning excess ear wax with cotton buds can cause more problems than it solves. Inserting an object into the ear can push ear wax further into the ear canal and cause an impaction. It can also stimulate ear wax production, which could worsen the excess ear wax problem.
Who needs to wear hearing protection?
Exposure to any sound above 85 decibels can cause hearing damaging. The greater the decibels, the faster your hearing can become damaged. Though, repeat or prolonged exposure to fewer decibels can ultimately be equally destructive.
Proximity to the sound source and length of exposure determine the damage caused. The following is for general guidance only:
85 - 90 dB: Home power tools, food processors, leaf blowers
90 - 95 dB: Shouted conversation, lawnmowers, underground trains, passing lorries
95 - 100 dB: Motorbikes (riding or in close quarters), car horn at 5 metres, attending sporting events, newspaper presses
100 - 105 dB: Nightclubs, headphones at full volume, rock and pop concerts (at a distance), tractors (driving or in close quarters)
105 - 110 dB: Rock and pop concerts (close quarters), ambulance siren, jet plane flyover at 100 feet, stereo at full volume
110 dB and above: Jet places taking off, gun shots, fireworks
Speak to a hearing care professional if you have concerns about noise-related hearing loss.